Monday, December 27, 2021

Should I try again?

 Should I try again to keep updating my blog?

A quote I heard today:  Even if we do not take time to write in our journal, we need to allow time for Him to write something on our hearts.  Amen and Amen.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Starfish and the Spirit Book

 I love this new book I've been reading which is being released at the end of the month. Some of the insights in The Starfish and The Spirit have the potential unleash kingdom movements. I highly recommend you check it out.

The Starfish and the Spirit

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Body of Christ, Watchman Nee

Watchman Nee, Twelve Baskets Full, Vol. 3, The Body of Christ
". . . personal holiness . . .  is really precious. Victory in living is really precious. Salvation is really precious. . . . Praise the Lord for forgiveness of sins, for justification before Him, for deliverance from the power of sin. But remember that God did not set Himself to save us to give us spiritual experiences like deliverance and victory in life, personal holiness, and so on, just so we could be hundreds and thousands and myriads of individual Christians, all separate units dotted over this earth for God. . . .
The Lord opens your eyes to see that salvation is in terms of the Body. Having personal holiness is in terms of the Body, having the power of the Spirit is in terms of the Body, having an experience of the Cross is in terms of the Body. You see that the Divine thought is one Man - not a host of small men. It is one Man: the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and His people making up one Man before God. The whole thought of God is centered in Christ, and we are in Him. If it not only a question of the Head, but of the Body. . . .
You begin as an individual, but you must end as a member of the Body."

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Sitting at Sam's getting a new tire.  Read this and wanted to share.  My prayer is that we allow His greatness to permeate us and overflow to others.  Grace and Peace.
Link to the Post below.

True Greatness

True greatness is not a what but a how. It’s how you understand what it means to follow your Lord, how you see yourself and your fellow human beings, how and who you serve in the days after November 8. It’s about becoming, serving, giving, sacrificing. It’s about loving people and standing up for the weak, regardless of whether that platform was voted for or not. It’s about offering those around you an alternative source of hope – one that is not dependent on earthly wins or losses but is sustained by our Creator and made accessible to all.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Are You Normal?

In His book, The Indwelling Life Of Christ, Major Ian Thomas has a chapter entitled, Are You Normal.  Does this sound familiar in relation to the name of the blog?

Eph. 4:23-24 - Be renewed in the spirit of your mind and . . .  put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

"God Himself, as our Creator, always intended that He should indwell us; His cherished ambition was to be seen and heard in those He created. That is normality for a human being, when God Himself is behaving in and through a man or woman. This is the purpose for which He created us, that we might be a physical, visible expression on this earth of the God who is otherwise invisible, as John tells us: "No one has seen God at any time" (John 1:18).

. . . He must be within us the origin of His own image, the source of His own activity, the dynamic of His own demands, and the cause of His own effect.

Therefore if any human being is truly normal in his or her behavior, there is only One Person to be congratulated, and that is God Himself.  Normality for a human being is when God can be seen by anything and everything which that person does and says and is."  Pages 17-18

May we all strive to be normal humans and let Him permeate us moment by moment.

Grace and Peace

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Let Him Permeate Your Now

My prayer for all my brothers and sisters in Christ is for Him to permeate your now.  May you allow Him to be your focus moment by moment.

May you allow Him to permeate your now so you can live Christ in this moment and then He can live His life through you.

Grace and Peace

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Daily exhorting / Turn to Jesus

Quote from a young man who connects with me daily.

. . . the daily checking in really does keep me centered.
. . . moving toward Jesus and not simply away from what I do not want to be.  I find grace more quickly and get my eyes back on Jesus faster.

Two thoughts -
1)  In Hebrews, it shows the daily speaking together of the Lord is of value.
Hebrews 3:13-14, But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," that none of you may be hardened by deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.
2)  It is more important for us to move or turn to Jesus instead of just turning away from what gives us problems or causes us to sin.
I say, "Amen."