Monday, June 2, 2014

The Hope of the Glory of God, NT Wright

As I was studying through Romans, I read a commentary by N.T. Wright on Romans 5:1-2. I became excited about the 'hope of the glory of God' and all He has provided us through His Son and the giving of the Holy Spirit. Read and celebrate Him as I did. Amen.
Romans 5:1-2 (NIV), Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of glory of God. 
N.T. Wright writes on Romans 5:2,
“ . . . celebrate our access into the very presence of God himself. We have 'the right to approach': this is the language of the Temple, where certain people get to come near to where God is. 'Grace' here is almost a shorthand for the presence and power of God himself. As a result of being justified by faith, we are, in the old phrase, 'in a state of grace', a status, a position where we are surrounded by God's love and generosity, invited to breathe it in as our native air. As we do so, we realize that this is what we were made for; that this is what truly human existence ought to be like; and that it is the beginning of something so big, so massive, so unimaginably beautiful and powerful, that we almost burst as we think of it. When we stand there in God's own presence, not trembling but deeply grateful, and begin to inhale his goodness, his wisdom, his power and his joy, we sense that we are being invited to go all the way, to become the true reflections-of-God, the true image-bearers, that we were made to be. Paul puts it like this: 'we celebrate the hope of the glory of God'.”
N.T. Wright, Paul for Everyone, Romans: Part One p. 83