Sunday, January 6, 2008

What is the Kingdom of God?

I read a blog by Scott McKnight at (click on hyperlink and spend time there yourself) almost daily. I find him very thought provoking and a lover of the Lord. On Monday, he is starting a study on the kingdom of God, so my interest has been peaked about the Kingdom.
This morning at the meeting of our Church, Brother Todd Carter was sharing on the importance of the ministry to children. I do not have the quote exactly, but the point he made was that one of the aspects of children’s ministry is that we who serve them will not be given anything immediate in return for our service. He made the comment, the kingdom of God looks like a group of people who serve without expecting/wanting anything in return.
Today as I was doing my workout and listening to Ravi Zacharias speak on the story of Nahum, he provided the following thought. The type of person God is building His Kingdom with is the one who follows a commitment of righteousness, dignity and discipline where there is no glory.
The evening as I was reading the autobiography of Hudson Taylor, the missionary who the Lord used to take the Gospel to China, another quote surfaced on a higher calling each individual has above the work of service. He wrote, “. . . we should never lose sight of the higher aspect of our work – that of obedience to God, of bringing glory to His name, of gladdening the heart of our God and Father by living and serving as His beloved children. Hudson Taylor did not specifically speak to the Kingdom of God, but all of these examples to me show how obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit without any expectation and ‘just plain’ loving our Lord, is building the Kingdom.
I will share more insights as I read and study on the Kingdom of God.

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