Friday, December 26, 2008

Morphing of Mabel #6 (Final)

Two final thoughts on Mabel
Here is a woman who was deaf, blind, could not walk, cound not care for herself or even feed herself. From society’s estimates, she was not living a life of value. Society would say she did not have any quality of life. However, I believe from the divine estimate, she was living a life of glory. She brought God’s Glory to the young man who shared the story and the author, John Ortberg. Her story has touched me many times even during this time of sharing with you. You have been impacted by Mabel, if I can be so bold to say, if you have read her story. Mabel has given us all a touch of the glory of Christ. What a legacy she left!
The other thought is how Mabel lived in the presence of her Lord daily, minute by minute. How are we to do this? How about ‘practicing His presence?’ How about living in our spirit? Singing songs of worship, offering prayers of praise, sacrificing in worship by acts of service and meditating on His Word. Mabel practiced these and was able to say, “He's all the world to me. And then Mabel began to sing an old hymn:
Jesus is all the world to me,
My life, my joy, my all.
He is my strength from day to day,
Without him I would fall.
When I am sad to him I go,
No other one can cheer me so,
When I am sad He makes me glad.
He’s my friend.”

Amen and Amen.

1 comment:

Sharon, Michael, Aharon said...

Oh precious little brother. I love you so much tonight. I was touched also by this precious woman who saw our Savior and made Him her first love.

I want to tell you so many things regarding our Savior and what He has shown me during my 1 1/2 years in Israel. He is my friend Mike, and so much more than that.
