Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Body of Christ, Watchman Nee

Watchman Nee, Twelve Baskets Full, Vol. 3, The Body of Christ
". . . personal holiness . . .  is really precious. Victory in living is really precious. Salvation is really precious. . . . Praise the Lord for forgiveness of sins, for justification before Him, for deliverance from the power of sin. But remember that God did not set Himself to save us to give us spiritual experiences like deliverance and victory in life, personal holiness, and so on, just so we could be hundreds and thousands and myriads of individual Christians, all separate units dotted over this earth for God. . . .
The Lord opens your eyes to see that salvation is in terms of the Body. Having personal holiness is in terms of the Body, having the power of the Spirit is in terms of the Body, having an experience of the Cross is in terms of the Body. You see that the Divine thought is one Man - not a host of small men. It is one Man: the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and His people making up one Man before God. The whole thought of God is centered in Christ, and we are in Him. If it not only a question of the Head, but of the Body. . . .
You begin as an individual, but you must end as a member of the Body."

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